Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the internet. I've started this blog because I find myself writing incredibly lengthy posts in other people's threads on social networking sites. It was pointed out to me that a blog would potentially be a better medium for expressing ideas that are difficult/impossible to reduce to pithy comments or status posts. The themes in this blog will vary between politics, philosophy, science, and other topics of the day as they occur to me. The unifying quality of them will hopefully be that they will be treatments of those subjects as seen through a rational secular libertine lens. Those are three mutually independent modifiers by the way. Nothing about secularism ensures rationality or libertine values, similarly the other pairings are not necessarily linked. Also, I use the word libertine rather than Libertarian because I am not a member of that political party although I share many, but not all, of their values. Hope you enjoy.

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